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Military and Police Appreciation Day

Updated: Jul 3, 2019

The Bells believe that the Scripture speaks truth when it says, “He that is greatest among you is the servant of all.” We thank our military service members and our country’s law enforcement officers for their service of defending our freedom and providing our safety. We are so very pleased to honor those remarkable people by hosting them and their families to the Bell Plantation M&P Appreciation Day.


The Bells have been doing this for years. It is just a great thing, and we love it. We could not do this without the help of an indispensable group of exceptional friends. Many of these are veterans. All of them are patriots who love our country and love those who serve. We are pleased to team up to give our active duty, veteran guests, and their families a special day. We want to recognize them for the hard work that they are called to do. The people of this country applaud and admire them for their service and sacrifice. So, we have an outstanding day planned for each participant that we hope they will long remember.

Active Duty and Veterans

Our active duty participants stand on the shoulders of brave ones who have gone before them. We are very pleased to host and recognize these heroic men and women, many of whom have been decorated for their valor and sacrifice on the field of battle. We have been hosting these events for so long that some of our past veteran guests have now passed away. We are pleased to recognize them by naming our shooting ranges in their honor.

The Event

We are going to recognize those who are serving and who have served. Our active duty participants will be competing on the ranges with rifles, pistols, and shotguns. The veterans can pitch in on the shooting and show them how it is really done! We will have an impressive display of historic military weapons. All will enjoy good fellowship and fine food. It is going to be a memorable day for us to be together.

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